Dear Friends,

As we work through the Russia - Ukraine developing situation and the conflicts in Israel, thoughtful planning and ongoing opportunistic adjustments will be more important than ever. Click HERE for a look back at quarter 3 of 2024 and our thoughts for the future.

The SECURE ACT and The CARES ACT: What's in it for ME?

Despite the contentious and partisan US political climate, congress passed NEW legislation in 2019 and in 2020 that will materially affect Retirement, Taxes, and College Savings now and for years to come.

There are several new tax provisions that may require a review of retirement and estate plans that incorporate Qualified (e.g. IRA, 401k, Profit Sharing, etc ) accounts. Click HERE for a short summary of the SECURE ACT. Click HERE for a short summary of the CARES ACT.

Feel free to contact us to have a conversation about any of the content above or to re-evaluate your overall goals and planning.

Thank-You again for your continued trust in our firm to help add clarity and confidence to your future.

Warmest Regards,

Anthony J. Marino, CLU ChFC FLMI 

Marino Financial Advisors, (978) 649-2212


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